AUTOGLYM Ultra Deep Shine 1000ml
  • AUTOGLYM Ultra Deep Shine 1000ml

AUTOGLYM Ultra Deep Shine 1000ml

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Autoglym Ultra Deep Shine is a polish for use on black and dark coloured cars suffering from excessive swirling, fine scratches or holograms.

It is an ‘all-in-one’ formula that polishes and protects in one. For this reason Autoglym Ultra Deep Shine should not be followed by Extra Gloss Protection or High Definition Wax.

Pro Tip: Do not allow the product to dry onto the paintwork for a long time, apply to a panel, allow to dry, then buff off immediately. If Super Resin Polish is used there is no need to use Autoglym Ultra Deep Shine.

How to use this product

  1. Shake well, then apply to clean, cool paint with a cotton cloth or polish applicator, using a light circular motion.
  2. Apply to one panel at a time, increasing pressure to remove minor imperfections.
  3. Allow to dry to a haze then buff to a high gloss using a Hi-Tech Finishing Cloth before moving onto the next section.

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Code produit UDS1000
EAN 50116366700015

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